Category Archives: GRE

What is GRE??

This is a series that I would like to start regarding the GRE exam and how to crack it and all the its n bits of GRE. True that I am not a GRE expert but with my own experience of GRE exam and the experience of all my friends who went through it, this series could be highly beneficial for those aspiring to give GRE in the near future.

I gave my GRE in the month of October in 2010 and scored 1440(Quant-790, Ver-650). I could have scored better had I prepared better but this score was pretty good for the Universities I wanted to apply to. After giving my GRE I realised that I could have easily scored more than 1500 if I had some basic tips to work with and that is when I realised that there is such a vast need of a place where one could find all the tips regarding GRE and its nuances.

To start with,GRE stands for Graduate Record Examination. The most important paper of your life if you have dreams of doing your Masters outside India. There are so many streams one can get into and so many people who give GRE every month which can also be judged by the grooming number of Coaching Institutes every day.The main aim of the GRE is to give the aspirants a portal in which if they score well then their chances of getting a good university increases drastically. Also the people of the Universities who are judging you also have a good look at your GRE scores and decide accordingly about your admission. Thus, for studying outside India the very first step that you have to keep in mind is your GRE, the rest i.e the loans, the universities can take a break for a while. GRE can be given if you have your MS or PhD in mind, and nowadays also your MBA.

The GRE consists of 3 sections namely:- Quantitative ability, Verbal Ability and Analytical Writing Skills(AWA).All the three sections are equally important but the aspirant usually gives more weightage to the Quant and Verbal sections.

Quantitative section and Verbal Section are of 800 marks each and your numbers are scored in steps of 10, i.e your score will be 750 or 760 but not 753 or 787.The AWA section is of 6.0 marks and is scored in the steps of 0.5- i.e. your score will be 4.5 or 5.0 but can never be 5.7 or 4.9.

Each and every section will be explained further in the posts after this one because each and every section has to be explained in very minute details so that the readers are able to crack the GRE more efficiciently.For more information related to the GRE you can always refer to the official site of GRE which is

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Posted by on July 18, 2011 in GRE


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